Pitch Event of the Certificate Programme ‘Honours Degree in Digital Technology and Entrepreneurship’ on October 16, 2020

Veröffentlicht von am 6.10.2020, 12:54 | Kommentar

The certificate programmeHonours Degree in Digital Technology and Entrepreneurship’ offers students from all faculties of the University of Passau the unique opportunity to realize their business ideas. Beginning in January 2020, eight student-teams developed and evaluated their respective ideas and transformed them into sophisticated business plans.

Now, it is our honour to invite you to the final pitches of the teams’ business ideas at 3:00 p.m. on Friday, 16th October 2020. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s event will take place virtually.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at this event!

Best regards,
the ‘Honours Degree’ Team


3:00 p.m.Opening of the event and welcome
3:15–5:30 p.m.
(incl. a short break)
Team pitches and feedback from a panel of experts:
Stefanie Coleman (Consultant & Start-up Expert)
Professor Andreas Pfeifer (Honorary Professor at the University of Passau and Business Angel)
Jens Mätzig (Vice President minnosphere – a company of msg)
Dr. Robert Richter (Head of Startup and Incubation at Werk1)
Michael Hasler und Sebastian Schmidt (Founders of Smartricity)
5:30–5:45 p.m.Closing words

Further information about our teams and further information about the programme



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