Kategorie: iStudi

Workshop „Navigating Academic Life Successfully“

Veröffentlicht von am 7.05.2024, 10:51 | Kommentar

As a wrap up of our international orientation weeks, on the Friday of the first week of classes we held a short workshop on how to navigate your studies successfully. We covered topics such as study organization, the teaching culture here in Passau and how, where and who to ask for help if needed.


Study Organization: Our biggest takeaway …


Entdecke dein Gleichgewicht: Ein Rückblick auf den Workshop „Make it in Passau – Well being“ | Discover your balance: A review of the workshop „Make it in Passau – Well-being“

Veröffentlicht von am 2.05.2024, 16:07 | Kommentar

Discover your balance: A review of the workshop “Make it in Passau – Well being”

In a world often characterized by hectic schedules and constant pressure, it is crucial to develop a holistic approach to wellbeing. That was exactly the goal of the workshop “Make it in Passau – Well being”, which took place on April 15, 2024 in Passau.

In a small group …


Last registration week for the intercultural volunteer program All You Can Do

Veröffentlicht von am 15.04.2024, 08:46 | Kommentar











english below

Ehrenamtliches Engagement im internationalen Team

Mit dem interkulturellen Ehrenamts-Buddy-Programm „All You Can Do“ kannst du dich zusammen mit Kommiliton:innen aus aller Welt in sozialen Projekten in Passau und an der Universität Passau engagieren. Das Programm garantiert wertvolle Einblicke in Freiwilligenprojekte, interkulturelle Teamarbeit, Erwerb von wichtigen Kompetenzen …


Webinar on Study organization for international first semester students on Tuesday March 26th at 3 PM

Veröffentlicht von am 20.03.2024, 10:22 | Kommentar

Are you new to the university of Passau and about to start your first semester and maybe completely lost and overwhelmed being in a new country? Join our webinar on study organization on Tuesday, March 26th at 3 PM to get a good start into your studies!

We will provide you with a lot of helpful information regarding the university: We …


Are you struggling to concentrate and be as productive as you would like to be? We got some tips for you!

Veröffentlicht von am 15.02.2024, 12:36 | Kommentar

We will introduce to you a variety of methods and tips for time management. Keep in mind that each person is different and needs different methods to focus and to study. Thus, not all of these methods will work for everybody. You can try them out and stick with those that are helpful for yourself.

Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix …


Improv Night

Veröffentlicht von am 8.01.2024, 16:44 | Kommentar

The IKB (Intercultural gathering) project, funded by DAAD, offers various events during the semester to foster integration. This week we are collaborating with HSG Improwiese (Improvisation Club). We’re excited to invite you to the first activity of the year Improv Night🎭. Whether you’re a seasoned performer or just looking to break out of your shell, this is the …


Writing a Term Paper in Germany

Veröffentlicht von am 4.12.2023, 12:57 | Kommentar

Writing a term paper can be a difficult task. As an international student with possibly little previous experience in academic writing, writing a term paper following the German standards can be even harder. This is why the International Support Service offers “Briefs about Academic Writing” where senior Master students help international students in any inquiries regarding academic writing. Our second …
