Zoom information event on our research training group DPE
Apply until February 28th for doctoral and postdoctoral positions, which are available for three years, starting October 2022, and are remunerated with an internationally competitive salary, with social security and healthcare contributions. The RTG is generously funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In an information event on February 14th, the principal investigators will present themselves and the research training group.
The RTG „Digital Platform-Based Value Creation and its Implications for Data Exchange, organisation and Socio-Economic Development“ is a postgraduate excellence programme and vibrant interdisciplinary research community. It is comprised of 22 doctoral and postdoctoral students, nine principal investigators/doctoral supervisors and an international network of research partners from the disciplines of information systems, management, organisation, marketing, economics and communication studies.
You can find out more about the research training group during our information event (Zoom, February 14, 4 pm CET Berlin time) in which Prof. Krämer and Prof. König will explain the research focus and application process. Please register for this event via https://uni-passau.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VcVo05hjR5mS0-asLsRFbQ.
Stichwörter: (Post)doctoral positions, Research training group DPE, University of PassauKategorie(n): Ausschreibung, Graduiertenzentrum, Unkategorisiert
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