Roundtable: Cultivated Meat: Opportunities and Challenges

Veröffentlicht von am 18.10.2023, 12:44 | Kommentar

October 26 2023, 2 p.m.
Location: virtual

A flyer to the event can be found here.

Raquel Casselli, Corporate Engagement, The Good Food Institute Brazil
Bibiana Matte, CSO/Cultivated Pork Fat, Cellva, Brazil
Bruno Bellagamba, R & D, Cultivated Meat, BRF, Brazil
Carlotte Lucas, Corporate Engagement, The Good Food Institute Europe
Anna Loraine Hartmann, Cluster Ernährung, KErn Germany

Moderator: Prof. Michael Grimm, Chair of Development Economics

Chairs/organisers: Prof. Germano Glufke Reis & Dr. Terese Venus, Bioeconomy Economics Research Group

The roundtable will be held in English. All members of the University of Passau and interested members of the public are cordially invited to the event.

Please register here:


The Passau International Centre for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies is the central platform for academic excellence, interdisciplinary research and network-building at the University of Passau. Since the summer semester 2021, it has been promoting research aligned with the University’s strategic guiding themes: digitalisation, sustainable development and Europe. In organising several calls for applications every year, it supports innovative interdisciplinary project and event ideas both financially and by providing the necessary infrastructure.

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