Empowerment Workshop for BIPoC-Students on 22.06.2024 – Register now!

Veröffentlicht von am 23.04.2024, 11:15 | Kommentar

For many BiPoC-Students living in Germany, that is for Black students and students of Color, racism is part of everyday life – even at university. Often, we are left alone with this feeling or even worse, those experiences are denied or not taken seriously. Rarely any university in Germany has official structures where students can go to when racism happens.

With this Empowerment Workshop we want to create a safer space where we can talk and reflect about racism and empowerment. We will take a look at how experiencing racism affects our lives as well as understand the effects of structural racism. We also want to reflect strategies we use to deal with racism as well as talk about community solidarity and support.

This Workshop is a safer space und addresses BiPoC-Students only which means students who are affected by racism in Germany. BiPoC means Black, indigenous and People of Color and is a political self-definition. BiPoC doesn’t necessarily describe skin color but a social and political position in society. Experiencing racism is not the same as being a migrant or having a migrant background. Many migrants are white which means they are not negatively affected by racism.

Trainerin: Jinan Dib, Sociolinguist and political education consultant specialising in criticism of racism and power and empowerment

Date: Saturday, 22.06.2024, 10 – 17
Stud.IP.: 63031

Kategorie(n): , ,

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