Kategorie: Internationale Studierende

Unveiling the Role of a Solutions Architect: Insights from Shashank Pandey

Veröffentlicht von am 31.01.2025, 14:11 | Kommentar

Have you ever wondered what comes after university? What career paths are open to international students in Passau? At our recent Berufe im Profil event, we were privileged to welcome Shashank Pandey, an international alumnus and now a Solutions Architect at BMW, to share his journey and shed light on a fascinating profession.

What Comes Next After University?

The Berufe …


Exam Survival Tips: Study Strategies You Can Rely On

Veröffentlicht von am 17.01.2025, 14:13 | Kommentar

The exam period is approaching, bringing with it feelings of anxiety and stress about passing all your exams. But don’t worry: we’ve picked out some of the best ways to study to help you succeed! Whether you need to manage your time better or improve your organisation, there is at least one, if not more, study strategy that …


WellNest: A New Mental Health Support Group for International Students – Kick-Off Meeting

Veröffentlicht von am 2.12.2024, 15:54 | Kommentar

WellNest is your go-to support group at University of Passau, created to provide a safe and supportive space for international students. Studying abroad comes with its own set of challenges—language barriers, cultural adaptation, academic stress, and homesickness. WellNest is here to help you navigate these hurdles together.

Through open discussions, WellNest aims to address common struggles, foster connections, and …


Karrieremesse Campus meets Company am 25. November

Veröffentlicht von am 21.11.2024, 07:38 | Kommentar

Am 25. November 2024 ist es wieder so weit: Unter dem Motto „Mit Schwung in deine Karriere“ öffnet die Karrieremesse Campus meets Company ihre Pforten. Von 11:00 bis 17:00 Uhr laden im Sportzentrum über 80 Unternehmen und Organisationen verschiedener Fachrichtungen dazu ein, ins Gespräch zu kommen, Kontakte zu knüpfen und sich über Praktika und Einstiegsmöglichkeiten zu informieren. Zusätzlich bietet die Campus …


Meet & Eat – Aktion des Akademischen Auslandsamts vom 11. – 14. November 2024

Veröffentlicht von am 6.11.2024, 06:49 | Kommentar

Das Meet & Eat des Akademischen Auslandsamts bietet Ihnen eine tolle Gelegenheit, Informationen zum Auslandsstudium direkt von Studierenden unterschiedlicher Studiengänge zu erhalten, die bereits ein Semester im Ausland verbracht haben.
Hier die wichtigsten Informationen im Überblick:
Datum: Montag, 11. November bis Donnerstag, 14. November 2024
Zeit: jeweils von 12:00 bis 13:00 Uhr
Ort: Mensa
Weitere Informationen und die Möglichkeit zur Anmeldung finden Sie …


Kick start your idea by joining our workshop ‘Ideation for Everyone’!

Veröffentlicht von am 16.05.2024, 13:45 | Kommentar

Are you looking for ideas but don’t really know where to start? Are you creative but don’t know how to structure your ideas? Then improve your ideation skills and gain practical experience alongside your lectures with our workshop on 4 June at 17:00, which is open to students of all faculties.

The workshop offers you the opportunity to get to …


Workshop „Navigating Academic Life Successfully“

Veröffentlicht von am 7.05.2024, 10:51 | Kommentar

As a wrap up of our international orientation weeks, on the Friday of the first week of classes we held a short workshop on how to navigate your studies successfully. We covered topics such as study organization, the teaching culture here in Passau and how, where and who to ask for help if needed.


Study Organization: Our biggest takeaway …


Entdecke dein Gleichgewicht: Ein Rückblick auf den Workshop „Make it in Passau – Well being“ | Discover your balance: A review of the workshop „Make it in Passau – Well-being“

Veröffentlicht von am 2.05.2024, 16:07 | Kommentar

Discover your balance: A review of the workshop “Make it in Passau – Well being”

In a world often characterized by hectic schedules and constant pressure, it is crucial to develop a holistic approach to wellbeing. That was exactly the goal of the workshop “Make it in Passau – Well being”, which took place on April 15, 2024 in Passau.

In a small group …


Empowerment Workshop for BIPoC-Students on 22.06.2024 – Register now!

Veröffentlicht von am 23.04.2024, 11:15 | Kommentar

For many BiPoC-Students living in Germany, that is for Black students and students of Color, racism is part of everyday life – even at university. Often, we are left alone with this feeling or even worse, those experiences are denied or not taken seriously. Rarely any university in Germany has official structures where students can go to when racism happens.

With …


Webinar on Study organization for international first semester students on Tuesday March 26th at 3 PM

Veröffentlicht von am 20.03.2024, 10:22 | Kommentar

Are you new to the university of Passau and about to start your first semester and maybe completely lost and overwhelmed being in a new country? Join our webinar on study organization on Tuesday, March 26th at 3 PM to get a good start into your studies!

We will provide you with a lot of helpful information regarding the university: We …
