Kategorie: Internationale Studierende

Improv Night

Veröffentlicht von am 8.01.2024, 16:44 | Kommentar

The IKB (Intercultural gathering) project, funded by DAAD, offers various events during the semester to foster integration. This week we are collaborating with HSG Improwiese (Improvisation Club). We’re excited to invite you to the first activity of the year Improv Night🎭. Whether you’re a seasoned performer or just looking to break out of your shell, this is the …


Writing a Term Paper in Germany

Veröffentlicht von am 4.12.2023, 12:57 | Kommentar

Writing a term paper can be a difficult task. As an international student with possibly little previous experience in academic writing, writing a term paper following the German standards can be even harder. This is why the International Support Service offers “Briefs about Academic Writing” where senior Master students help international students in any inquiries regarding academic writing. Our second …


Game Night: Unlock fun and friendship

Veröffentlicht von am 29.11.2023, 16:52 | Kommentar

(German version below)
The IKB (Intercultural gathering) project, funded by DAAD offers various events during the semester to foster integration. This week we are collaborating with Würfelwölfe.

Want a break from everyday Unilife, Join us for an evening of thrilling board games and fantastic company. Whether you prefer English or German, we’ve got you covered. If you …


The Study Guide-Solution to Your Problems

Veröffentlicht von am 28.11.2023, 14:23 | Kommentar

–German Version Below–

Being a student, the overwhelming study routine often hinders the ability to find a perfect balance between academic life and vital personal and extracurricular life. The Study Guide, we believe, chimes in here as a savior to help students navigate their way through this stressful situation.

This was precisely the expectation with which this guide was designed …


How to give a good presentation in Germany

Veröffentlicht von am 28.11.2023, 11:49 | Kommentar

Do you have to give a presentation in a seminar this semester? Are you wondering what the standards for a good presentation in Germany are? In the International Support Service´s “Briefs about Academic Writing” we can answer all of your questions and doubts! In our very first session of the “Briefs about Academic Writing” we covered the topic “Giving …


Letzter Aufruf zu Stipendien für ukrainische Studierende, Promovierende und Wissenschaftler sowie für internationale Studierende

Veröffentlicht von am 28.11.2023, 10:47 | Kommentar
____English version below____
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Wir freuen uns, bekannt zu geben, dass kurzfristig noch Stipendien verfügbar sind! Diese Stipendien sind speziell für Studierende, die aufgrund von Problemen in Ihrem Heimatland (Flucht, Krieg, etc) in finanzielle Notlagen geraten sind.
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Wenn Sie oder jemand, den Sie kennen, Unterstützung benötigen, um ihr Studium oder Ihre Forschung fortzusetzen, zögern Sie nicht …

Honours Degree in Entrepreneurship 2023 – Nachbericht

Veröffentlicht von am 15.11.2023, 09:43 | Kommentar

Congratulations to the students of the University of Passau graduating from the certificate programme ‘Honours Degree in Entrepreneurship’ 2023

Have you ever heard of AMP Avenue, EmoGi, GovTech Solutions, HealthyFoodCourt, Pigeon Friends, or VRTourism? These six student teams of the University of Passau have successfully completed this year’s programme ‘Honours Degree in Entrepreneurship’ with the final pitch event on Thursday …


Webinar „Study Organization for degree-seeking students

Veröffentlicht von am 24.08.2023, 12:37 | Kommentar

Im Webinar „Study Organisation for degree-seeking students“, beantwortet der iStudi-Coach Ihre Fragen zum Studienstart im Wintersemester 2023/ 2024.

Erfahren Sie unter anderem, welche Unterrichtsformen es gibt, was bei der Prüfungsanmeldung zu beachten ist und vieles mehr. So bereiten Sie sich optimal auf den Start Ihres Studiums vor.

Das Webinar findet am Freitag, den 29. September 2023 von 15:00 bis 17:00 Uhr online über Zoom statt …
